Acid reflux is a condition in which stomach acids flowing to the abnormal esophagus. This phenomenon is irregularly experienced by many people, especially after meals.
Our body uses gastric acid and stomach to break down the foods we eat. Normally, after digestion in the stomach, food is delivered by the abdominal muscles to the intestines for further digestion. But in patients who have acid reflux disease, acid content of the stomach back up into the esophagus, which then causes inflammation. Cigarettes, alcohol, caffeine, pregnancy, and fatty foods are some factors that aggravate the conditions of acid reflux.
Our current knowledge about acid reflux based on medical research tells us that this disease is common in men and women. There is no sexual preference. In addition, the occurrence of acid reflux is more common in people 40 years or more.
The symptoms of acid reflux may be typical or atypical. But on the basis of the diagnosis of acid reflux patients, only 70% of those who have this disease, with symptoms typical.
Typical symptoms of esophageal or indicators of concern that coats the esophagus. These symptoms are:
Studies show that about half of patients have acid reflux dyspepsia. This syndrome of pain and abdominal pain, nausea after eating, and upper abdominal fullness. This is not a rule, however, that those who have dyspepsia have acid reflux.
Listen to severe symptoms include nausea, burning pain in the esophagus. The pain often develops in the chest and neck may swell or throat. Then the stomach contents back of the neck, and sometimes in the mouth. If the acid is poured into the tracheobronchial tree, respiratory complications should be encouraged. occur in the context of these functions: when a heavy meal, lifting, bending and lying. Based on a survey of experience around 75% of patients, this symptom of acid reflux at night. These approaches the time patients also tend to feel the pain more severe than those whose symptoms occur at other times.
The symptoms you hear Burn a painful burning sensation in the esophagus. The pain often develops in the chest and neck and throat may swell. It is more likely to occur in the context of these activities: after a heavy meal, lifting and lies. Based on a study experienced approximately 75% of patients, symptoms of acid reflux during the night. These patients also tend almost time to feel pain more severe than when the problem occurs at other times.
There are many cases, however, that acid reflux patients do not manifest symptoms such as regurgitation and heartburn. Instead, they experience atypical symptoms or extraesophageal include:
Throat symptoms.
Although it occurs frequently, patients who suffer from acid reflux symptoms that occur in the throat. Hoarseness, sensation of a lump in my throat, dry cough are undergone by those who have acid laryngitis, a throat symptom. Patients may have difficulty swallowing, a condition known as dysphagia. In critical cases, food can get stuck in the throat or even choke, which can cause chest pain. Other throat symptoms are chronic sore throat and persistent hiccups.
Vomiting and nausea.
When a patient suffers from nausea persisting for weeks, he may have acid reflux. There are a few instances where vomiting can occur as often as daily.
Respiratory Symptoms.
Coughing and wheezing are counted as respiratory symptoms. These come from the stomach acid in excess in the tracheobronchial tree creating a bronchoconstriction.
Acid reflux disease can last for several months, if not given proper medical care. The drugs may be required only for a short period. But when the symptoms tend to occur several times, the drug may need to be reintroduced.
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